Tuesday, June 17, 2008


well the year has come and gone and i am now a Sold Out alumni! it is the craziest thing!! i still don't think i have fully grasped the fact that i am done with S.O. i feel as though we are just on a break but we aren't! we are done! never again will i pick up my carpool and drive to school and hang out in the lounge. it is all too serial to me! i know that that season of life is over and a brand new one is beginning but i'm not sure i am ready for it! i am excited for this new season but i guess i didn't think it would come this quickly!!


Amy said...

Soooo...what's next for you???

Jim and Jenn Blackman said...

I am so proud of you, you shined in SO and it's just the beginning of what an amazing walk God has for you. I hope FL is going well I can't wait to hear all about it.

Jim and Jenn Blackman said...

I don't get there until Monday night. Hopefully by the meeting time but that's not for sure. That would be so cool if we saw you there Mon night. Is it everything you hoped for?

Shelly said...

It's True...when it's done it is never the same again. I know that can be sad and suprising after SO much time spent together. But you can Always be thankful for the amazing memories and things learned. I know it's strange and hard at first, but you will always have the fact that you spent one year of your life with those ppl in common. With lots of pictures, stories and memories. That you won't lose. :)

josiah michael said...

i know the feeling! you are going to find your niche in life just fine and everything will work out. you've devoted an entire year to God, and he is going to bless you a hundred fold! i felt the same way after graduation- what do i do now? it only took about a month until i was ready for college and actually felt right in what i was about to pursue. keep it up lydia and you'll soar to great heights!

JB Photography said...

I miss you too!!! lots!!!