Tuesday, August 11, 2009


oh my...how time has gotten away from me...
i haven't updated this in over a year...
my bad.
well...lately the Lord has been teaching me about His faithfulness...He is so faithful!
i look back at my life...even just in the past year and i am amazed at how different my life is...at how different i am...i am growing...maybe not as fast or as much as i would like but i am gettin there...in His grace and timing...
He has blown me away with His grace and restoration...and His faithfulness...
i can't help but thank Him!!!
i constantly stand back in awe of Him...
if you are in a season of uncertainty or struggle...know that this too shall pass...and that what ever comes our way will make us stronger in the end...i know from personal experience...Papa is faithful and will always be there...you will look back as i look back and say..."how did i get through that? how did i get from there, a place of hurt and pain, to here, a place of healing and love?!!!"
have a blessed day in His grace...

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